Tsuihou Sareta Renkinjutsushi-San, Saikyou No Dungeon Wo Tsukurimasen Ka?Tsuihou Sareta Renkinjutsushi-san, Saikyou no Dungeon wo Tsukurimasen ka?; 追放された錬金術師さん、最強のダンジョンを創りませんか?; Tsuihou Sareta Renkinjutsushi-san, Saikyou no Danjon o Tsukurimasen ka?; Banished alchemist, would you like to create the strongest dungeon?; Exiled Alchemist, Why Not Create the Strongest Dungeon?; Do you want to create the strongest dungeon, Mr. Alchemist who was expelled?
Rick, an alchemist who was banished from the strongest heroes' party, is wandering the wilds alone, when he saves a beautiful woman. It turns out that she is a dungeon spirit! Rick makes a contract with her and becomes the dungeon master. Now he is determined to create a dungeon that will defeat all the heroes!
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