I Became the Villainess in an Anticlimactic NovelI Became the Villainess in a Disastrous Novel; 용두사망 소설 속의 악녀가 되었다; Yongdusamang Soseol Sogui Angnyeoga Doeeotda; I Became a Villainess in a Deadly Novel; IBVIAAN; Soy la villana en una novela anticlimatica; Я стала злодейкой в романе с катастрофическим концом; Я стала злодейкой в новелле с катастрофическим концом; Я стала злодейкой в романе о смерти дракона; バッドエンド小説の悪女になりました
I became a villainess of the novel I was reading.But this novelwas a novel with an anticlimactic conclusion where the empire suddenly collapsed just before the ending!To hell with the original story! I had to try and survive first.Thus, I was just trying to flee to the neighbouring country beside us, but then"I've waited for 100 years just to meet you."The man who had hidden his identity as the Demon King and was the driving force behind the invasion.Grand Duke Arvis grabbed me with a gaze filled with intense emotions."If I lose you I'd probably start by wiping out this continent that took you away from me."Just why?I Became the Villainess in an Anticlimactic Novel / / IBVIAAN
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