Henkyou no Roukishi - Bard LoenHenkyou no Roukishi: Bard Loen; Henkyou no Roukishi - Barudo Rooen; Old Knight in the Frontier: Bard Roehn; The Old Knight in the Border - Bard Loen; Старый рыцарь из приграничных земель - Бард Лоен; 辺境の老騎士 バルド・ローエン; 邊境的老騎士; 변경의 노기사 -발드 로엔; The Old Knight of a Frontier District - Bard Loen; Old Knight in the Frontier - Bard Roehn
Abandoning money, fame and honor, the knight Bard embarks on a journey to find his final resting place. Tasting delicious food, admiring the unfamiliar scenery all by himself, his journey to find a place to die quietly begins.
What he doesn't know however, is that this is the beginning of a new adventure for him.
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