Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord thumbnail

Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic LordOkiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei; お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛; お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛~生産系魔術で名もなき村を最強の城塞都市に~; Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei: Seisan-kei Majutsu de Na mo na Kimura wo Saikyou no Jousai Toshi ni; Easygoing Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord; Easygoing Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord: Production Magic Turns a Nameless Village into the Strongest Fortified City; หนูน้อยเจ้าแคว้นกับแผนพิทักษ์เมือง; 무사태평 영주의 즐거운 영지 방어; 安闲领主的愉快领地防卫~以生产系魔术将无名小村打造成最强要塞都市~

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